New Season New Beginnings

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fall has traditionally been my favorite season and it is not just because of the pumpkin spice lattes, I swear! It is the season of jeans, tee shirts and flip flops. The season of football, soccer and back to school excitement. It is the time of year when, seemingly more so than other seasons, we all collectively prepare for change. We prepare for the weather change, for our schedules to change as schools, clubs and even our favorite Fall sitcoms begin new seasons. We change the decor of our homes as we transition from Summer to Fall and many of us even take this time to begin to change out our wardrobes taking stock of what clothes stay and what should go. I have always loved this season but it is not just the jeans and tees, the sports, the redecorating or even the pumpkin drinks that I love (and oh do I love all of these!) What I love most about Fall is that each year this is the season when we are all in the throws of new beginnings, when our schedules are reworked and our time is once again divvied up among new or renewed commitments. Through all of the rearranging and reshuffling Fall gives us an amazing gift, an opportunity to take stock of not just which clothes or decor should stay or go, but rather an opportunity to evaluate all of our new and renewed commitments and to how to best start all over again.

 How are you starting all over again this Fall?

For me it all starts with spending a bit of time reflecting on what is on track, off track or not even started in relation to the goals I set for myself and that we have set as a family. What worked well for us last sports season, last quarter at work or last school year? What was most meaningful, memorable and valuable? What would we like to do the same or differently this time around? From there I work to determine how to best focus time and energy going forward. I hold myself accountable for making sure things at the very top of my list like family outings, date nights and catch up time with girlfriends are made a priority and are scheduled to ensure they happen. I am also realistic enough to give myself grace…loads and loads of grace as we all should…in understanding that all we can do is our best every day, that our time and energy is a precious resource and if goals or plans need to change along the way that is absolutely ok.

As we enjoy these last few weeks of warm weather and green leaves how will you prepare for Fall? I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your own goals and priorities, in whatever way works best for you, so you too may begin your new and renewed commitments this season full of joy, excitement and ready to take full advantage of the opportunity to start all over again.









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